严谨 Precise, 精确 Accurate, 专业 Professional
Prof. Chengbin Ma | Graduate Students | Alumni | Journal Papers
DSC实验室已有国际领先研究成果和充足科研项目支持。实验室人文环境良好、师生彼此尊重、宽松包容,且与国际一线团队交流活跃【相关报道】。研究生毕业后可在国际一流高校深造或高科技企业就业(学长毕业与就业情况,请参见Alumni部分网页)。前期科研可参见DSC实验室发表的期刊论文Journal Papers。

Directions: Energy storage and management, wireless power transfer, dynamics and motion control, and wide applications in electronic devices, electric vehicles, microgrids, smart grids, etc. Our current research focuses on
Distributed modeling and autonomous control of networked energy systems;
System-level analysis, design and control of high-frequency wireless power transfer systems.
New topics include, but not limited to
Charging behavior-based EV fleet charging coordination and demand-side management;
Energy efficient information systems such as data centers and 5G networks;
High-spatial-freedom wireless power transfer for ultra-low-power and high-power applications;
Spatial six-DOF magnetic field shaping for multiple-receiver wireless power transfer.