Bangladesh Challenge

Bangladesh Challenge

Bangladesh Challenge

Sustainable Development Challenge in Bangladesh

What is Bangladesh Challenge?

Bangladesh Sustainable Development Challenge (Bangladesh Challenge) is an
interdisciplinary action research project led by Dr. Sam Ro of the Center for
Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint
Institute (JI-CFE). It is a part of the Global Engagement Project of Shanghai Jiao Tong
University (SJTU) and Technology-Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Project

Under Bangladesh Challenge Project, a team of 11 students will visit Bangladesh between
January 26th and February 1st, 2019 to explore and identify technologies that can be
combined to help local partners in bringing sustainable development for underprivileged
people in rural and urban communities.


  • To learn how technologies are being used for sustainable development
  • To explore and identify existing technologies that can strengthen efforts for
    sustainable development by local partners in Thailand and Bangladesh, such as government, NGOs,
    academic/research institutions, and social businesses.
  • Particular focus on mHealth technologies for poverty reduction
  • A documentary on business and technology for social purpose; A video report,
    describing specific problems to be solved


We will work with practitioners of sustainable development such as governmental and
nongovernmental organizations and social businesses in Bangladesh. There are seven main partners and
we have specific objectives for each partner.

Yunus Center is founded by Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Peace Prize, 2006) in 2008
Yunus Center is the one-stop resource center for all Grameen social business
related activities both globally and in Bangladesh. It keeps the spirit of
the global social business movement very high through various events, social
media, publications, and websites.

Click to know more:

See also:C

Grameen Shakti (shakti meaning “energy” in Bengali) is a social business
under The Grameen Bank established in 1996. The goal of Grameen Shakti (GS)
is to introduce, promote, and provide affordable renewable energy technology
to rural households of Bangladesh.

GS has successfully developed a market based approach innovative system for
installation of solar home systems throughout villages of Bangladesh. As per
November 2010, Grameen Shakti had installed 500,524 home systems across all
64 districts of Bangladesh.

Download to see our objectives:Grameen

Click to know more:

Aisa Institute of Technology is established in Bangkok in 1959, the Asian
Institute of Technology has become a leading regional postgraduate
institution that promotes technological change and sustainable development
in the Asia-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach.
AIT is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout
the region and with some of the top universities in the world.

Download to see our objectives:Aisa
Institute of Technology

Click to know more:

The University of Dhaka, also known as Dhaka University or simply DU, is the
oldest university in modern Bangladesh. The university is ranked number one
on the Bangladesh University Ranking 2017.Established in 1921 during the
British Raj, it has made significant contributions to the modern history of
Bangladesh. After the Partition of India, it became the focal point of
progressive and democratic movements in Pakistan. Its students and teachers
played a central role in the rise of Bengali nationalism and the
independence of Bangladesh.

Download to see our objectives: Dhaka

Click to know more:

International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh(ICDDR,B) has
been carrying out high-quality research and promoting the uptake of
evidence-based interventions for more than 50 years. It hopes a world in
which more people survive and enjoy healthy lives and aims to solve public
health problems through innovative scientific research.

Download to see our objectives:International
Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh

Click to know more:

The Rural Development Academy (RDA) is a specialized rural development
institution located in Bogura District of Bangladesh.It was established in
1974 as an autonomous body under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural
Development & Co-operatives (LGRDC), to carry out training and research
activities for sustainable rural development.

Download to see our objectives:Rural
Development Academy

Click to know more:

Grameen Communications is a leading IT solutions provider in Bangladesh,
concentrating on software development & implementation, hardware support,
and training. It has been providing 360 degrees IT solutions to more than
5000 branches of various Micro-Finance organizations including Grameen Bank,
a Nobel peace prize winning micro-credit organization.

Download to see our objectives:Grameen

Click to know more:

Meet Our Team

Both Field Trip and non-Field Trip join together in weekly meetings for
training and preparation from November 2018. We will continue to meet after our field trip to
prepare for the reports, proposals and documentary film.

Dr.Song Chul Ro

Assoc. Teaching Professor, UM-SJTU Joint Institute

Click to know more:

Dominikus Brian

Mechanical Engineering

Domi is a vibrant young mind curiously investigating the realm
of soft matter physics. He is a visionary in nature, who cherish thinking,reading,
and listening–on a daily basis.

Melody Li


Melody dedicates her passion and intelligence to solve social
and environmental problem with innovative technologies. That’s her way to cherish
the diverse culture and nature of the planet.

Andy Hsiao

Electrical Engineering

Andy is an electrical computer engineering undergraduate student
in UMJI and is expected to graduate in June 2019. He started an online education
platform,, in 2016.

Li Pengcheng

Media and Communications

Claus is a fancier of documentary and short video, his major is
journalism and communication. He hopes to record this wonderful world with his
camera and express it by his powerful word.

Zhang Yushu

Creative and Cultural Industry

Yushu is a vigorous boy who love films and art. He hope to
become a creator in culture and creative industry and he is constantly pursuing his

Hu Jiayuan


Jiayuan is currently working on the growth and research of
topological insulators, targeting superconductivity at room temperature. He loves
sports, literature, and firmly believes in socialism with Chinese

Cao Liyuan

Preventive Medicine

Liyaun cares much about public health. At present, she is an
intern in the hospital and she hopes to apply what she has learned in the area of
pulic health and social business.

Ashik Rahman

Mechanical Engineering

Ashik is an enthusiastic mechanical engineering, who works on
self-repairable modular robots. He works hard to find a solution for self repairable
space satellite.

Sohel Rana


Domi is a vibrant young mind curiously investigating the realm
of soft matter physics. He is a visionary in nature, who cherish thinking,reading,
and listening–on a daily basis.

An Shuoyu

History of Science and Technology

Shuoyu is a researcher full of rational and literary thinking in
the direction of film, culture and measurement. She is also interested in linking
discipline knowledge ability with innovation and entrepreneurship practice.

Yan Xirui

Information Engineering

Xirui is an explorer majoring in computer vision. She wants to
devote herself to the wave of artificial intelligence and contribute to the
intelligent development of the world.

Members who are not in the field trip while still have great contributions

Name Majors Name Majors
Fu Yulei PhD. Mechanical Engineering Tipu Sultan PhD. School of Media and Communications
Sharmin Farzana PhD. School of Media and Communications Clinton Elian Ganada Master’s Biomedical Engineering
Zawar Khan Master’s Biomedical Engineering Zhang Yuqian Master’s Biomedical Engineering
Qiongyin Hu Master’s UM-SJTU Joint institute Nipon Roy Master’s UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Jack Li Master’s Koguan Law School Delmwin Baeka Undergraduate UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Willy Huang Undergraduate UM-SJTU Joint Institute Cong Wenyan Undergraduate’s Computer Science

Regular Meetings


Both Field Trip and non-Field Trip join together in weekly meetings for training and
preparation from November 2018. We will continue to meet after our field trip to prepare for
the reports, proposals and documentary film

Field Trip

Date Activities
2019.01.25-26 In Thailand:
Asian Institute of Technology
AIT Solution
2019.01.27-31 In Bangladesh:
University of Dhaka
Rural Development Academy
Grameen Communications
Yunus Center


ADDRESS: Room 304, UM-SJTU Joint Institute,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, 800 Dong Chuan Road, Shanghai


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