About CFE

About CFE

UM-SJTU JI: Centre For Entrepreneurship

Centre For Entrepreneurship (CFE) was established in April 2017, as an extension of collaborative
work across University of Michigan (UM) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) on entrepreneurship
education. It is led by Professor Pradeep Ray (JI CFE Director) with academics from JI and SJTU. CFE
also works closely with alumni and industry partners at various levels (large corporate
establishments and local medium sized companies).


The main objectives of JI CFE are to promote entrepreneurship education at undergraduate, graduate
and practitioner levels based on ongoing developments at the UM and SJTU in collaboration with the
industry partners of JI:

  • Development of academic programs and courses on entrepreneurship at undergraduate, graduate and
    practitioner levels in UMJI-SJTU
  • Development of pracfticum courses on entrepreneurship at UMJI-SJTU in collaboration with
    industry partners
  • Promote entrepreneurship amongst UMJI-SJTU students and alumni based on various extracurricular
    activities, such as
  • Organizing Meet the Entrepreneur Lecture Series involving a lecture by a successful entrepreneur
    at UMJI-SJTU twice a year
  • Hosting annual JI Student Entrepreneurship Competition in English
    Research projects on Entepreneurship in Mobile Technologies for Social Issues (e.g., healthcare)
    involving multiple countries (e.g., One Belt One Road Initiative)

Our Mission

  • To become a leader in Entrepreneurship Education in Asia
  • Demonstrate Entrepreneurship Education through major programs in Undergraduate and Graduate
  • Demonstrate Leadership in Inter-disciplinary entrepreneurship activities through global bodies,
    such as IEEE, UN bodies and industry partners


ADDRESS: Room 304, UM-SJTU Joint Institute,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, 800 Dong Chuan Road, Shanghai

EMAIL: ji-cfe@sjtu.edu.cn

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