
Welcome to Efficient and High Performance Computing Lab at SJTU!

We are a group of people working at the intersection areas of computer architecture, digital circuit design, and low-level software, for efficient, fast, and reliable computing.

Recent News

[Jul 2024] One collaboration work about optimal scheduling is accepted to ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2024.

[Jun 2024] Our collaboration work on thermal and mechanical computing is selected as cover page paper on Advanced Functional Materials.

[Feb 2024] Our collaboration work on thermal and mechanical computing is accepted to Advanced Functional Materials.

[Dec 2023] We held a forum to discuss the real-time scheduling for heterogeneous architectures in the 2023 Embedded AI Summit.

[Dec 2023] The undergraduate students Yinchen and his lab mates won the Silver Award of Undergraduate Thesis. Congratulations to them!

[Dec 2023] Dr. An Zou is elevated to the IEEE Senior member.

[Nov 2023] We received funding support from the Open Research Projects at State Key Lab of Processors. Thanks to our sponsor!

[Nov 2023] Our work on Efficient and Flexible Systolic Array for Neural Network Inference is accepted to 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). Congratulations to Ruiqi, and Yinchen!

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