

MSE3300J/VK330 Thermodynamics of MaterialsFall 2020/2021/2022(Course syllabus)
VK335 Kinetics and Transitions in Materials EngineeringSummer 2021/2022(Course syllabus)
MSE6502J/VK554 Computational Approaches in MSESpring 2022/2023(Course syllabus, “double first-class” university-enterprise collaborative course with CATL)

Recommended materials

Ab-initio calculations  
Marques, Miguel AL, and E. K. U. Gross. “A primer in density functional theory.” Lecture Notes in Physics 620 (2003): 144-184.  (An introductory book you can find online) (Download)
Molecular simulations  
Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit. Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications, 2nd Edition, Elsevier (2002). (A classical book on the basics of molecular simulations)
Field, Martin J. A Practical Introduction to the Simulation of Molecular Systems. Cambridge University Press (1999). (A book discusses the basics of molecular simulations and provides a tutorial for pDynamo)
Phase field method  
Biner, S. Bulent. Programming phase-field modeling. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing (2017). (A book that can teach you how to develop your own phase field codes)
Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Edition, Wiley (2014). (Everyone who’s in the field of solid state physics should know this book)
Russell C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, 10th Edition, Pearson (2017). (A book for beginner)
J. R. Barber, Elasticity, 3rd Edition, Springer (2010). (A more advanced book discusses the analytic approaches to a series of elasticity problems)
Wei Cai and William D. Nix, Imperfection in Crystalline Solids, Cambridge University (2016). (A book discusses various defects in crystalline solid systems)
Machine learning  
Roberts, Daniel A., Sho Yaida, and Boris Hanin, The Principles of Deep Learning Theory, arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10165 (2021). (A recent book on the ab-initio theories of deep learning) (Download)
PyMC documentation (PyMc, a package for building Bayesian models)

Piero Scaruffi, Intelligence is not Artificial (expanded edition), Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (2018).

(A book viewing AI from a sociological view) (Download)