Journal articles:
- Chen, L.†, Yu, H.†, Yang, J., Shi, J., Li, C., Qu, Z. & Wang, W.* Facile Synthesis of Silicone Oil-Based Ferrofluid: Toward Smart Materials and Soft Robots. ACS Nano ASAP (2025). Publisher’s version
- Yu, H.†, Fu, Y.†, Zhang, X.†, Chen, L., Qi, D., Shi, J. & Wang, W.* Programmable active matter across scales. Program. Mater. 1, e7 (2023). Publisher’s version (Invited)
- Gardi, G.†, Ceron, S.†, Wang, W.*, Petersen, K.* & Sitti, M.* Microrobot collectives with reconfigurable morphologies, behaviors, and functions. Nat. Commun. 13, 2239 (2022). Publisher’s version
- Fu, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, X., Malgaretti, P., Kishore, V. & Wang, W.* Microscopic Swarms: From Active Matter Physics to Biomedical and Environmental Applications. Micromachines 13, 295 (2022). Publisher’s version
- Basualdo, F. N. P., Gardi, G., Wang, W.*, Demir, S. O., Bolopion, A., Gauthier, M., Lambert, P. & Sitti, M.* Control and Transport of Passive Particles Using Self-Organized Spinning Micro-Disks. IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. 7, 2156–2161 (2022). Publisher’s version
- Wang, W.*†, Gardi, G.†, Malgaretti, P., Kishore, V., Koens, L., Son, D., Gilbert, H., Wu, Z., Harwani, P., Lauga, E., Holm, C. & Sitti, M.* Order and information in the patterns of spinning magnetic micro-disks at the air-water interface. Sci. Adv. 8, eabk0685 (2022). Publisher’s version
Before 2022
Journal articles:
- Giltinan, J., Katsamba, P., Wang, W., Lauga, E. & Sitti, M. Selectively Controlled Magnetic Microrobots with Multiple Helices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 116, 134101 (2020). Publisher’s version
- Giochini. P.A. †; Gupta, S.S. †; Wang, W.; Wood, D.; Yunusa, M.; Baharlou, E.; Sitti, M.; Menges, A., Additive manufacturing of cellulose-based materials with continuous, multidirectional stiffness gradients. Sci. Adv. 6, eaay0929 (2020). Publisher’s version, PDF
- Koens, L.; Wang, W.; Sitti, M.; Lauga, E., The near and far of two magnetic capillary disks, Soft Matter 15, 1497–1507 (2019). Publisher’s version, inside back cover
- Wang, W.†; Timonen J.†; Carlson, A.; Drotlef, D; Zhang, T.Y.C.; Grinthal, A.; Kolle, S.; Wong, T.-S.; Hatton, B.; Carlson, A.; Kang, S. H.; Kennedy, S.; Chi, J.; Blough, R. T.; Sitti, M.; Mahadevan, L.; Aizenberg, J., Multifunctional ferrofluid-infused surfaces with reconfigurable multiscale topography. Nature 559, 77-82 (2018). Publisher’s version, accepted version, press release.
- Wang, Z.-M.; Peng, W.; Takenaka, Y.; Yoshizawa, N.; Kosuge, K.; Wang, W.; Ozin, G.A., Sandwich-type nanocomposite of reduced graphene oxide and periodic mesoporous silica with vertically aligned mesochannels of tunable pore depth and size, Adv. Funct. Mater. 27, 1704066, (2017). Publisher’s version, font cover
- Wang, W., Giltinan, J., Zakharchenko, S. & Sitti, M. Dynamic and programmable self-assembly of micro-rafts at the air-water interface. Sci. Adv. 3, e1602522 (2017). Publisher’s version, PDF, video
- Qian, C., Sun, W., Wang, L., Chen, C., Liao, K., Wang, W., Jia, J., Hatton, B. D., Casillas, G., Kurylowicz, M., Yip, C. M., Mastronardi, M. L. & Ozin, G. A. Non-wettable, oxidation-stable, brightly luminescent, perfluorodecyl-capped silicon nanocrystal film. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 15849-15852 (2014). Publisher’s version
- Wang, Z. M., Yoshizawa, N., Kosuge, K., Wang, W. & Ozin, G. A. Quiescent hydrothermal synthesis of reduced graphene oxide-periodic mesoporous silica sandwich nanocomposites with perpendicular mesochannel alignments. Adsorpt.-J. Int. Adsorpt. Soc. 20, 267-274 (2014). Publisher’s version
- Wang, W., Burgess, I. B., Hatton, B. D., Alvarenga, J. & Aizenberg, J. Secrets revealed – spatially selective wetting of plasma-patterned periodic mesoporous organosilica. Can. J. Chem.-Rev. Can. Chim. 90, 1063-1068 (2012). Publisher’s version
- Guan, M., Wang, W., Henderson, E. J., Dag, O., Kubel, C., Chakravadhanula, V. S. K., Rinck, J., Moudrakovski, I. L., Thomson, J., McDowell, J., Powell, A. K., Zhang, H. X. & Ozin, G. A. Assembling photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals into periodic mesoporous organosilica. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 8439-8446 (2012). Publisher’s version
- Wang, W., Faulkner, D., Moir, J. & Ozin, G. A. The effect of solvent in evaporation-induced self-assembly: A case study of benzene periodic mesoporous organosilica. Sci. China-Chem. 54, 1920-1925 (2011). Publisher’s version
- Seino, M., Wang, W., Lofgreen, J. E., Puzzo, D. P., Manabe, T. & Ozin, G. A. Low-k periodic mesoporous organosilica with air walls: POSS-PMO. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 18082-18085 (2011). Publisher’s version
- Xie, Z. Y., Henderson, E. J., Dag, O., Wang, W., Lofgreen, J. E., Kubel, C., Scherer, T., Brodersen, P. M., Gu, Z. Z. & Ozin, G. A. Periodic mesoporous hydridosilica – Synthesis of an “impossible” material and its thermal transformation into brightly photoluminescent periodic mesoporous nanocrystal silicon-silica composite. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 5094-5102 (2011). Publisher’s version, highlighted in Nature Chemistry.
- Wang, W., Grozea, D., Kohli, S., Perovic, D. D. & Ozin, G. A. Water repellent periodic mesoporous organosilicas. ACS Nano 5, 1267-1275 (2011). Publisher’s version
- Dag, O., Henderson, E. J., Wang, W., Lofgreen, J. E., Petrov, S., Brodersen, P. M. & Ozin, G. A. Spatially confined redox chemistry in periodic mesoporous hydridosilica-nanosilver grown in reducing nanopores. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 17454-17462 (2011). Publisher’s version
- Wang, Z. M., Wang, W., Coombs, N., Soheilnia, N. & Ozin, G. A. Graphene oxide-periodic mesoporous silica sandwich nanocomposites with vertically oriented channels. ACS Nano 4, 7437-7450 (2010). Publisher’s version
- Wang, W., Lofgreen, J. E. & Ozin, G. A. Why PMO? Towards functionality and utility of periodic mesoporous organosilicas. Small 6, 2634-2642 (2010). Publisher’s version, font cover
- Wang, W., Grozea, D., Kim, A., Perovic, D. D. & Ozin, G. A. Vacuum-assisted aerosol deposition of a low-dielectric-constant periodic mesoporous organosilica film. Adv. Mater. 22, 99-102 (2010). Publisher’s version
- Hou, K., Puzzo, D., Helander, M. G., Lo, S. S., Bonifacio, L. D., Wang, W., Lu, Z. H., Scholes, G. D. & Ozin, G. A. Dye-anchored mesoporous antimony-doped tin oxide electrochemiluminescence cell. Adv. Mater. 21, 2492-2496 (2009). Publisher’s version, font cover
Conference proceedings:
- Wang, W.*, Kishore, V., Koens, L., Lauga, E. & Sitti, M*. Collectives of Spinning Mobile Micro-robots for Navigation and Object Manipulation at the Air-water Interface in 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 1–9 (2018). Publisher’s version, videos
- Aizenberg, J., Hatton, B., Yao, X., Aizenberg, M. & Wang, W. Dynamic and switchable slippery surfaces. US9683197B2 (2017). PDF.