

We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers with a PhD in materials sciences and engineering, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering or electrical and computer engineering. Candidates with the following skillsets are particularly encouraged to apply.

  • Soft matter
  • Active matter
  • Nanomaterials
  • Bio-inspired interfacial materials
  • Magnetic (nano)materials
  • Magnetic fluids
  • Microrobots
  • Image and data analysis using python
  • Laboratory automation

We value the ability to work independently as well as the ability to work in a team. We value excellent communication skills, professionalism, and most of all, the desire to learn and to do first-rate creative research.

Graduate students:

We are seeking highly motivated graduate students with backgrounds in materials sciences and engineering, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering or electrical and computer engineering. We expect successful candidates to have excellent communication skills in both written and oral English, an excellent record in previous studies, and most of all, the desire to learn and to do first-rate creative research.

Please direct your inquiries to wendong.wang [at] sjtu.edu.cn.