1. Turbulent flow dynamics and multi-scale analysis
In the past years, Prof. Wang and his colleagues have been successfully in developing new flow analysis approaches to address the structures in turbulence, such as dissipation element analysis, streamtube segment analysis and the mulit-level segment method. The pioneering work and original concepts enable to understand the intrinsic properties of turbulence more comprehensively and in more details, for instance the evolution of longitudinal skewness of the velocity derivative and the stretching of vorticity. Some other relevant on-going topics include the Lagrangian dynamics of fluid particles, interaction between the fluctuating and the mean field, etc.
2. Turbulent combustion and flame dynamics
Turbulent combustion is essentially important for various industry applications. We focus on the fundamental physics of turbulent flames, flow structure analysis and the flame-wall interaction.
3. Numerical algorithm design and modelling development
From the application point of view, fundamental research in fluid mechanics and turbulence need to serve for modelling development and numerical simulations. The relevant projects in this area include the turbulent flamelet model and the new algorithm design for the surface roughness characterization.
4. Engineering orientated applications (of turbulence and turbulent combustion)
Typical examples include drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement in turbine blade flows. One patent has been proved. Numerical and experimental tests are going along these directions.