
2024.4 官朝红获批2023年度国家自然科学基金青年学生基础研究项目 

2023.12 Huirong Jing is awarded the title of Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2023.12 Huirong Jing receives the Yadong Scholarship

2023.12 Yu Yang receives the Yadong Scholarship

2023.12 Chaohong Guan receives CALYPSO — Elsevier Rising Star Award

2023.3 Yaowei Wang receives 2023 Huang Xuhua Scholarship

2023.2 Yaowei Wang is awarded to Bohr Poster Award First Prize of The sixth Forum of Materials Genome Engineering

2022.11 Yaowei Wang is awarded the title of Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai

2022.11 Yaowei Wang receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2022.11 Huirong Jing receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2022.11 Jialiang Xu receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2021.12 Yaowei Wang is awarded to the Best Poster Award Outstanding Winner of The fifth Forum of Materials Genome Engineering

2021.11 Jialiang Xu receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2021.11 Yaowei Wang receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2021.3 Anqi Zhang is awarded  Excellent League Member in 2020 – 2021

2021.3 Yaowei Wang is awarded  Excellent League Member in 2020 – 2021

2021.3 Zhenming Xu is awarded as Outstanding Graduate of SJTU

2020.11 Yaowei Wang is awarded as the Merit Student of SJTU

2020.11 Huirong Jing receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2020.3 Qiuhao Wen is awarded as Shanghai Outstanding Graduate

2019.11 Yaowei Wang receives the Yu Liming Scholarship

2019.10 Qiuhao Wen receives the Guanghua Scholarship

2019.10 Zhenming Xu recieves the China Scholarship Council (CSC)

2019.9 Zhenming Xu receives the Graduate National Scholarship

2019.7 Jialiang Xu receives 2019 Yadong scholarship

2019.7 Qiuhao Wen is named  outstanding student Communist Party member in 2018 – 2019

2018.12 Wen Qi is awarded to the Best Poster Award of NHSC-12

2018.11 Qiuhao Wen is awarded as the Merit Student of SJTU

2018.11 Zhenming Xu is awarded to the Poster Presentation Award of ICEnSM 2018

2018.11 Jialiang Xu receives 2018 Yu Liming scholarship

2018.11 Qiuhao Wen receives 2018 Yu Liming scholarship

2018.10 Zhenming Xu receives the Graduate Excellent Scholarship

2018.9 Peng Tu receives the Graduate National Scholarship

2018.3 Qiuhao Wen wins 1st Prize in The 2nd Term Badminton Championship of UM-SJTU Joint Institute

2018.1 Qiuhao Wen wins 1st Prize in 2017 Dali Ecologic & Economic Development Creative Challenge Camp

2017.12 Wen Qi receives 2017 Yu Liming scholarship

2017.10 Fan Li is recognized by Zhiyuan Honor Project.

2017.9 Dr. Zhu receives grant from Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation for Metal bipolar plate for fuel cell coating—failure analysis and process optimization as co-PI

2017.7 Dr. Zhu reseives grant from Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Materials Genome Initiative for High-throughput materials simulation algorithm and software as co-PI

2017.6 Dr. Zhu receives grant from UM-SJTU joint funding for Development of a Data-Science-Based Alloys Design Methodology and Application to Magnesium as co-PI

2016.12 Wen Qi receives 2016 Yu Liming scholarship

2016.8 Dr. Zhu receives grant from National Science Foundation for High-throughput Computational Materials Design for Layered Ternary Compounds with “Phonon Glass-Electron Crystal” Features

2016.1 Dr. Zhu receives seed grant from Materials Genome Initiative Center of SJTU for “Advanced Lead-free Materials for Thermoelectric and Photovoltaic Applications”

2016.1 Dr .Zhu is awarded Shanghai Science and Technology Commission’s Young Scientific Talent YANG FAN Program for Hybrid Perovskite Design based on High-throughput Calculations for Photovoltaic Applications