Welcome to In-silico advanced materials Design (IamD) Lab!
In-silico advanced materials Design (IamD) lab is led by Dr. Hong Zhu at the UM-SJTU joint institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. We focus on the development and application of cutting-edge computational and data-driven tools to better understand, design, and discover advanced materials. Our research interests include:
- Combining computational materials science, solid state physics, thermodynamics, and chemistry to understand fundamental and critical materials problems in high-impact applications.
- Applying high-throughput materials simulations, data-mining, and experiments to speed up new materials development.
- Developing new algorithms or tools for materials simulations.
IamD group is hiring!!! We have postdoc, graduate, and undergraduate research assistant openings.
We welcome collaborations with experimental and theoretical research groups or individuals.
Please contact hong.zhu@sjtu.edu.cn. if you are interested.