ASMEJI Student Branch 1st Workshop

Engineering Storytelling, Visualization and Portfolio

ASME JI Student Branch 1st Workshop has been held successfully at Longbin Building on June 29, 2023 .  Four keynote speakers shared the knowledges about engineering storytelling, visualization and portfolio.


First of all, Yongqi Zheng introduced what is Engineering visualization and expain why pictures and videos are important for engineers by analyzing the effect of  picture and videos in several ME projects.


Fully understood the important role of visualization, Xiaojing Tan shared some skills of generate pictures and videos with engineering softwares such as SolidWorks and MATLAB. Besides, Mr. Tan demonstrated how to construct these pictures and videos in an engineering storytelling way using PowerPoint.

Furthermore, Jin Zhu emphasized and elaborated matters needing attention during scientific drawing.

In the last part of the lecture, Yiqian Zhang introduced the portfolio and gave instruction of  how to compose a good portfolio, which functions as a way of engineering storytelling.

After the lectures, four speakers answered question and puzzles from students during the Q&A session.

In the end, the Workshop came to a successful conclusion.